About Us

1449 W. Nine Mile Rd, Pensacola, fl 32534

850-909-MINI (6464)

Who doesn't like donuts? ...Now ask yourself...who doesn't love mini-donuts?
I dare say no one!

Some Cool Facts

How many creative combinations can you create?

Yummy Combo's

You're the master of your own universe here...chocolate icing with a cherry on top and a gummy bear for good measure? Go ahead!
Key Lime with a pretzel and cocoa pebbles sprinkled over it? Sure thing!
It's your world...it's your creation!

We Love Donuts

Love donuts? Well heck, try these bad boys on for size! These ain’t your grand pappy’s donuts! Pick from one of our in house designed donuts…or…create your own!

We Love Creativity

You’re a Plane Jane Vanilla loving kinda person? That’s ok…we still love ya…but if you have or think you might have a wild and creative side of yourself waiting to express itself in the art of DONUTOLOGY…then you’re our kind of people…come on in and let’s do this!

Hey you...YA YOU! How many ya want...2? 4? 6? 24? 100?
Don't be shy!

Gotta idea to help improve the donuts? Click here!